Does your lawn become overrun with ugly brown patches in the hot summer months? Fungus is probably to blame. The excessive heat and high humidity can contribute to major disease outbreaks. Some of the most destructive, pulverizing lawn diseases can be controlled by a strong Fungicide program. Many diseases are very aggressive and can-do extensive damage within a 24-hour period. By the time you notice the damage, it may be too late! Our Fungicide Program will help prevent and control destructive lawn diseases such as: Dollar spot, Leaf Spot, Red Thread, Brown Patch and Summer Patch.

We offer a 5-step program that is designed to help protect your lawn. The program runs from May to the end of August.
Our fungicide program delivers a broad-spectrum disease control against dollar spot, brown patch, and other major turf diseases. The best protection from a fungal infestation is preventing it before it happens. Protect your lawn during the stressful summer months with our Fungicide Program!!